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Majuli Judiciary Recruitment 2023-Hello, friends. We are glad to inform you that District and Sessions Judge, Majuli has delivered an ad for the notification of the 2 Driver vacancies in the foundation of Districts and Sessions Judge, Majuli.. For this education qualification, a minimum of eight passes and a maximum ninth pass. Those candidates who have eligibility and interest rates in this post can apply. The details of what qualifications, age, fees, etc. are required to use are given below.Last Date: 27.09.2023
Majali Judiciary Recruitment 2023-Details
1. Name Of The Post: Driver 
The number of posts: 02 posts
Last Date Of Apply:27/09/2023
Education Qualification: The education qualification minimum 8th pass and a maximum 9th pass.
Age: The applicant ought not be under eighteen (18) years old and not more than forty (40) years old as of 27.09.2023.
Pay Scale: Rs. 12,000-37,500 + GP Rs. 3900/- (PB-1)
Preference: The candidate should pass a valid LMV driving license with a minimum of three years of experience.
Application Fee: Nile
Other Criteria of Majuli Judiciary Recruitment
#1. The competitor will be a resident of India as characterized in Articles 5 to 8 of the Constitution of India# The applicant ought not to be under eighteen (18) years old and not more than forty (40) years old as of 27.09.2023
How To Apply For Majuli Judiciary Recruitment
# The applications ought to be submitted either by hand in the drop enclosed kept at the workplace of the Region and Meetings Judge, Majuli for the reason or by post at the latest 27.09.2023 up to 4 pm, with all tributes supporting instructive capabilities, age, rank and experience and so on.
# Up-and-comers should need to encase the accompanying self-verified duplicates of tributes alongside their applications:
a. Driving License.
b. Most recent Exchange Card.
c. Testaments, mark sheets on the side of their instructive capability, age, standing, experience, and so on.
d. 3(three) duplicates of late Identification Size Photos.
e. Up-and-comers need to specify their Contact number at the lower part of the Application Structure.
# The envelope containing the application structure ought to be superscribed as "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF DRIVER" and the equivalent ought to be addressed to "The Region and Meetings Judge, Majuli, PIN: 785104".
Important Web Links:
Official Website: CLICK HEREOfficial Advertisement: CLICK HERE
Application Form: CLICK HERE